Sunday, February 23, 2025


Hello dearest Mark Hamilton, Rick Mabe, Elaine Bennete, Families, All Friends and their Pets:

Hello Again It’s Mark Escarcega, Friday 8/26/2011, time is 4:40 P.M.. I want to say, for some reason the working world is going insane. People without work are suffering, people working are suffering, and their’s lots of people with lots of money loosing it. Yet the Working world is screaming out, their the victoms. But in reality we are all suffering, by evil bicameral diseased people.

The working world is hacking away with a sort-of-Speak Bucher Knife or Gun, trying to prove that their the only one’s suffering and they desirve all the money in the world and all other people don’t desirve it. Working word feels a need to take it all and control it or else, Even when durty Business working world and Politics are to blame.

Even when there are people not working but suffering, hurting and can’t make it anymore. Even when Some Rich and Poor alike are suffering very harshly, the same as working people are; and morally devistated by evil business and politics. The working world is not the only ones suffering, but their the only ones going totally bazirk because they don’t have enough.

So with a sort-of-speak bucher knife in one hand and a Gun in another, they attack everyone else and blame everone else. (Stop It Now And Open Up Those Extremely Imature Eyes Of Your’s Working World,) Your so blind you don’t even know what in the world your doing, you just think you do. Learn to Live your life the way it was meant to live.

Love life, Protect it, grow it, create your dreams come ture, as we all should do together for ourselves and everyone else. Lets work too Provide Remodies and Crues for Sickness and Diseases as we all should be doing, (And Get Rid Of The Sort-Of-Speak Bucher Knife and Gun. The working word will never win the world that way. They will never create a C. of U. on Earth that way.)

What your going to get by fighting everyone else, even though they are hurting just like you, what your going to get back is the end of the world or never ending kaoss. That’s not the way to create a concious world Because a conscious world dose not distory anything in It’s path good or Sick, it heals and cures sickness and diseases, it finds a way without destroying any part of it’s self in any way.

God-man strength to all of us, with all speed, with all action going forward into the C. of U.. Now let’s get the picture we all truly need and bring the C. of U. to all of us. (DO NOT SAY WE ARE NOT IN A C. OF U. WORLD YET AND HAVE TO LIVE AS UNCONSCIOUS PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH.) If we use that type of thinking we will be turning in on ourselves.

(RATHER SAY, LET’S CREATE USING OUR CONSCIOUS MINDS AND NEVER STOP.) Stop putting your self into risidual or any bicameral mantality by saying we have to preforme as the bicameral world preformes, What a Bicameral Idea. (GET RID OF IT, GET OUT OF THAT TYPE OF THINKING NOW,) YOUR GOING TO DESTROY YOURSELFS LIKE THAT.

God-Man Power To All of Us, From the Beginning, Now, always, Forever and Evermore.
Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSuan Escarcega Strain or Mark Escarcega

My Integration (Love and Soul Mates)

Hello dearest Rick Mabe and Elaine Bennett:

This is Mark Escarcega again (8-20-2011). Thanks for the wonderful reading this Friday evening. I’ll be listening to this again. You two are helping me improve on my slow readings skills, as I fallow along. I still have to find time to make sure I re-read the meterial for myself again, the chapter Homework. Thanks again for the wonderful Story and your beautiful storytelling.

You two I think know about my beloved Susan and I. I’ve been telling some of our story on the e-mail Mentor sites. and to Mark Hamiltons site given to me. Susan had hazle eyes, they had lots of green and very light brown. Sometimes Susan’s eyes would turn a beautiful light Gray. And Sometimes they would turn a very bright and rich green color. Then at other times they were just beautiful green and bauge hazel eyes.

Susan’s eyes were always Susan, so they were always most beautiful to me. I don’t ever remember seeing eyes exactly like Susan,they were rare. Then as I look into her eyes, all I could see is my most beautiful other half, whom there was no one on this earth as beautiful for me. The love I would receive from her was unmachable, unserpassable, and overflowing love beyond belief.

The love Susan gave me was unfathomably beautiful in every way and the farthest beyond mankinds intelligence. In other words, I was given Gods Greatest love of all, in his purest form and in all his ways, when he sent Susan to me.

(I have never seen eyes like Susan’s before I met her or after she went to live in the Cosmos of Heaven, where she come from, and in my heart, in Oct. 24, of 2007.) (Now, the reason for me giving you all this information:)

Yesterday, which was Thursday, I sat next to a women because that was the only seat avaliable at lunch time. I noticed she was wareing a Ruby ring on her finger. A Ruby is my Birth Stone Color, so I complamented her, then I dicided to talk to her a little. When She turned to talk back, Lo and behold her eyes looked just like Susan’s.

I said to myself, WOW, I’m looking into Susan’s eyes. WOW, How Amazing. It was like I was really talking to Susan when I looked into her eyes. I could not shake it. I gave here a deep look of my love for Susan. It was eaxctly like I was speaking to Susan. The lady then look up a moment and then shook her head a little. I hope she was as surprized as I was.

I was so amazed, how wonderful and beautiful a thing to happen. Then I had to check myself, by saying I better check some pictures of Susan, because I remember Susan’s eyes as being so special to me that her love could never be equaled. If that lady was feeling as I was at that moment, Just maybe we could be starting anew.

(I felt like I was talking to Susan.) WOW!, anyway she took my phone number. I haven’t heard from her, but I think I’ll see her again. I’ll be very kind to her. Right now I am back to nutural, and waiting, listening to Susan, because without Susan this world is damaged just a little too much. Only through Susan’s words, will and heart, together with mine, can I work to restore humanity to my life, life around me and life it’t self, as we all want to live in a C. of U. world. Thank’s, love you all MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain or Mark Escarcega


Good Morning,

I thank all of you for attending our call last night. I am very pleased with how you all interacted with us and I am very satisfied with the outcome.

Everyone, please continue to attend and keep reading!


Real Life Romantic Love

True Love can survive even having a kitchen sink full of garbage thrown at it because the two people’s value for each other has no limit. It can, however, be thrown away. To do so would be the nth of foolishness since there is no guarantee it will come again. No *possession* is involved, rather *my love* means there is no other, nor would either person want there to be. All the wealth in this or any other world could buy the joy it brings.

Curing America, is the only way for Americans and getting to the C. of U. World We All Want To Live In.

Hello Dearest Jill Reed and John Smerk:

Dear Jill Reed, You are already Presedent in my mind, I know you can be an excellent presedent, to Guide and Lead us in the C. of U. Your are a very great leader. Thank you so very much for the work you are doing.

First let me say I’m sorry. When we had introduction time, I meant too let Annesta from New York know, too go to the Neothink, not, for that moment I thonght it was Monday, My mind slip to thinking it was Monday, Sorry I didn’t mean to send her to a different day. I greatly appreciate Annesta’s Neothink intelligence and Integrations.

(My Integration)If we think were going to Fight America, ourselves and win. we lose. Because Americans fight for one and for all, They don’t turn in on each other. We are to save us from death. We are not to sink any of our own ships. Absolutly wrong thinking.

We seek to cure any diseases or deadly pleges from growing in America not to drowned people by sinking any of our own American Ships or boats. America dose not divide it’s self against It’s self. Or do we continue to let our family members sink into a mud pit and drown? That’s not Conscious thinking, That Bicameral thinking and plane old continued brutality. Please,(EXPAND YOUR MINDS)You are not children, we are not children. (WE HAVE TO EXPAND OUR MINDS) OR ELSE.

(We better mature up and expand on our Neothinking sphiers of intelligence if we ever expect to see and live in the world of the C. of U.) If we don’t take this advise we have a guarantee that we will go nowhere except creat another fight and kill each other, along with all of our civilization.

Get completely out of the bicameral thinking mode now for a moment while I explain this, GET OUT OF THERE. Get rid of any risidual bicameral intellegence. Or we will end up sinking our own ship, never to see the world of the C. of U.. We are not to get a kick out of seeing any American sink into hell from any disease or deadly plege.

We are not to laugh or not give a hoot about any American sinking into hell. We are not to curse any American sinking into hell, old or young. We Stand To Save One And All Americans, and All Peoples on this Earth For Humanity sake, that’s why were the Strongest Nation On Earth; because of our Humanitarian Nature.

(This is the picture we want for All America and the World; meaning the whole of Civilization on Earth. We can do this all together with Mark Hamilton leading the way for all of us and the world. So lets go, we have to get it right, or we can forget it or continue to prolong it untell we are all gone, by continuing to use risidual bicameral intelligence.

Lets not miss out on any Conscious life, even as we live now. God-man Speed to all of us. With love Yours truly, Mark Escarcega

My Integration on tonights lesson ( Love and Soul Mates)

Hello dear Lila Elaine Bennett and Rick Mabe:

This is Mark Escarcega, Friday evening (8/12/201). Between you both, you were able to bring us a beautiful true picture of what true love should be and is, between a man and a women and their desires for each other. Thank both of you again so very much.

There was a women caller who put Iceing on the Cake with the story about Adam and Eve. Truly Man cannot live without his other half. (or what can a man do with just half of life, not much for himself, he needs a whole life to experence his ultamet life, happiness and love,) I think the women caller was Annesta, From New Yourk.

Annesta is a most beautiful story teller, she truly knows true love and true life. She is so pure and kind and giving. I surly pray she experences the best that life has to offer even in her time, if she hasen’t already. She may be like me, and has had all her dreams come ture, beyond any measure or compare, already. A measure that cannot ever be serpassed, only built on; I surly hope so because Annesta is so genuen and truly knows how to help and heal others. God-men speed to both of you and all of us, as we forge ahead into the future. Lets continue to work together and live every dream come ture beyond measure, together for all of us.
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSuan EscarcegaStrain or Mark E.

Woman giving her number

It is 330 AM here and I must waken and turn on my computer to leave this integration. I have no wish to be rude. It is just that I must speak …for context…

A male caller stated that he received some female attention he was not used to. This kind of thing didn’t happen to him before. She gave him her number unexpectedly. WOW!

Rick automatically slammed her. His statement that he immediately would have no respect for her and the reason is, in part, because the male is hunter not the woman. (the wind whispered, ‘she must get back in her place’ ?)

Rick, this may have been some bicameral tendency showing up, which we all have and still work consciously to remove.

Don’t hate me. My motive in speaking up is to help Rick and all of us ‘see’ this and encourage back and forth discussions (plural) until we get a clearer puzzle piece. As the new guy I feel intimidated… but here goes.

(1) Recognize the male hunter ‘automatic response’ of disgust. (she’s no good)
(2) But integrate the universe says yes to everything we ask.
(3) Recognize that not all men are hunter/warriors. (Al Patterson, in Ms Annabelle trilogy, who had many girlfriends before he ended up with his true love, Debbie, who was right there all along since third grade, and he didn’t know… a hunter would have known)
(4) Question, like Robert from TGIF, what does the caller on the group call want/need.
(5) Question what this potential woman may have asked from the universe.
(sub-point) Ask, what did she have to overcome. (her shyness?)

(potential reaction) To the neothink man (if he has some interest in this woman) I would definitely suggest he seek to honestly learn what this is all about. (as suggested first by Elaine Bennett, and integrate her stated reasons)

So based on… (1) the social circumstances described. (2) She was observed NOT approaching every man, just one. And (3) THIS man has neothink capacities in sync with the universe… that may/may not be understood. …I suggest that this woman was likely NOT a hooker looking for a john.

Is the woman also growing neothink capacity?

He indicated little if any knowledge about her.

I would suggest the neothink man do what he can to learn about the universe that vibrated something in his direction.

Approach it cautiously as if it is a learning exercise. Purpose to learn details (example: about his own heart and feelings.)

And let me suggest he attempt to learn the entire puzzle piece without any bicameral assumptions that are left over from the ‘me tarzan you jane’ (I am the hunter, So woman! get in or stay in your place) past bicameral days.

Let me also add that a woman who obeys, gets in her place, stays in her place… cannot be of any value to a neothink man… she would be just a bed partner. I know thats harsh… but it is exactly the situation created by fundamentalist religion.

This is just an opinion. Sorry to be argumentive Its a message. Don’t shoot the messenger (um, don’t shoot me).

Integrating Two Pieces of the Same Coin

IMO if a Neothink man and a Neothink woman have True Love toward one another, they will know that they are two fitting pieces of the same coin — and needing no external authority to tell them that is what and how they are and together they integrate and fuse to make one shining, gleaming valuable impervious to whatever anyone else may think, feel, say, or do — as long as they live. In so doing, they will find joy and happiness beyond description –their most priceless possession, which will enable them to live with joy, creativity, productivity, and peace.

Lost Love And Dried Up Tears

What I wanted to say tonight was befor Neothink all life offered was broken promises no reason to dream. Before my super woman was forced away with not even a last goodby kiss. That took a big chunk out of the heart of the mind.

What I said about being beat like a hebrew slave with an extention cord, not a whip. I ment that I, just feel comefoft telling it now.

Now Rick what I ment to say was it took my tears an not my fears. My life was not pleasing, but in the end
I came out with something pure my heart an believe me I am giving back.

Lila Elaine Bennett, My Integration Of Your Heart Reaserch Mark E.

Hello dearest Lila Elaine Bennett:

Dearest Lila Elaine, When my beloved Susan was in ICU. care, they were keeping her under induced coma state to allow here to heal without causing further damage.

Elaine, I sat there with Susan constantly. I could read Susan without her saying a word through her mouth. We were to much a part of each other. We could talk even without her saying a word, and we did.

Dearest Elaine, first of all we entered a state between us that was at total peace and without any pain at all, just total peach, perfect quiet and not a problem in the world. We were there in perfect strenght with nothing wrong or physical problem at all, absolutly no problems.

We just in a sence sat there calm together and waited to speak to each other in total calm. We were listening for are words to come forth to each other, and they did, clear as a bell, more clear then we would naturaly notice just speaking by mouth.

The very first think that we heard was something that we just knew beyond any dought. Now please Elaine you know from your descussion that somethings we just know even before it happends. We just know it without a dought and it happends. (What Susan and I knew is that She could totally pull out of harms way and get back on her feet, meaning she would be just fine again.

There was lots of just calm time before one of us spoke again. Then we looked at the danger and we new if she did not pull through it was due to the brutality of murder, the power around us were just to evil. Elaine it had been growing for years, and now was full force.

We left that conversation and went to each other. We talked and it was clearer then a bell. Elaine I won’t go on here, but just to say, Susan was my better half of my love. We could talk without speaking allowed, without any such thing as dought. There was simply no such thing. We absoutly new each others heart, mind and sprit.

Elane, We allowed what happend because if we didn’t we would have to kill family, the last of the emediate line. So instead of that, we cracked the door open from the constant pushing, for them to remember the love they have been given. What happend was the fire of evil swept in and spread everywhere. Let me say that the brutality was as brutal as it can get for murder.

Elaine, what pulled me out of a vegatative state was my memory of Mark Hamilton and his father. But it wasen’t enought I could not get out of it. I was needed to get out of the way also, so they could prove greatness; but their greatness was pure evil and they wanted to buarie us so to look good for themselves.

Elaine, dear friends that I only met once or twice maney years ago in business network meetings, came to rescue me. When I asked what they were doing here what they said was: We did not want anything to happen to you we remember you as a very special, very good person. Lots of VIP network friend rushed to my side along with many other friend. Then I started to get a grip on life again.

Elaine, all I can say is what you alread know. Evil goes to the very top levels of knowledge and education on this earth no matter what field of indever. Fortunetly good people are there also. Elaine I can’t go on now, my days and night are too long. Just let me say, that it is Mark Hamilton and all of you that has kept me alive.

Susan was not evil. But when she had to leave us, there was no more good in this world. I saw the evil and brutal world from top to bottom, and did not want any part of it. Thank you Mark Hamilton and all in the Neothink Society Of Secrets and all friends.

Elaine, I opende up here a little bit. I better get some sleep Good night. Thank you Elaine. Sincerely; MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain or Mark Escarcega