Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chapter 85

Again, I am humbled and honored to read the role of Sally. This is truly one of the best things to happen in my life, reading and participating on these calls. I wish more would join in the fun.
The insight gained from reading on air, becoming my character, opens up to that “other”level of understanding. The entire trilogy has new meaning. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King-“I’ve seen..things”. The view through my eyes says the future is mine to capture..and it’s ours to enjoy.
I bid you peace,love and prosperity-


Thank You Bill and Elaine, you have once again done a great job of presenting Miss Annabelle’s Secrets to us through character portrayal. I enjoyed seeing Mark Hamilton vision for the future from Jasmin prospective.

Chapter 84

I simply adored this chapter. Within this chapter, all dynamics are in play. Jake and the way he put together the puzzle pieces with Jasmine. If you only read this chapter alone, the picture of the future within our society, AFTER the Prime Law has taken effect, is oh so apparent. From declining deaths to the steps forward onto the stage of immortality, all are here. The understanding that Jasmine comes to..her AHA moments As for Sally, her introspection and honesty within her
I-ness is admirable. The anguish she feels in having to make a choice..only to know deep within, that her place is needed elsewhere. It was time for her to find balance. Her drive for the “greater” is so spot on. I imagined her frustration when she became aware that she was not ready..she had pushed herself and her teams almost to the point of exhaustion.What focus, drive,determination, and most of all , what inner strength she must have.
I am humbled and honored to read her part ..she has in fact helped me through some decisions. Again, BRAVO MR. MARK HAMILTON! I shall cherish my heirlooms forever. Thank you so much for YOUR downstream focus..
I bid you peace,love and prosperity..always


Chapter84.Elaine & Bill, great presention. Curing aging and death is a three part proscess.’Depoliticize Amercia’ ‘Replace the burden of life with exhilaration’ Freedom for businesses to develop and supply biological immortality.

Of Marriage and Fidelity to Love

Regarding Maria and the end of her relationship to Al…

I believe it was Al that realized that he, having saved Maria from the fire felt a strong and empathetic compassion towards her due to their joint ordeal. When ever we endure something with someone to this degree there remains a bond that too often, though in the foundation is a form of love, may not be actual male to female relational love. To have this love, I believe you must first have a strong desire to get inside your partner, to know their thoughts, their feelings, their ambitions, their fears, and their strengths…. You desire to know these things so that you can be all things to that person you love when they need it and how they need it. You cannot do this without dedicated love for ever aspect of the individual, both the good and the bad, the strong and the weak… For without this soon the smoldering embers of love’s thought illusions prevail leaving one hopelessly out of love.

The old saying, “Life Goes On” is real, and yet how it goes on in the midst of a great loss will always determine the character of both the winner and loser in such affairs.

I was reading a book called Vohu Esfoma and came to a section that asks this very question on love and broken relationships. This book is very old and holds to traditions beyond the mere societal conceptions of forsaken love’s cause and effect. The thought is that Love is the foundation of all life; it is enhanced through human relationships which are shared as a learning experience, and an individual’s ability to perceive love is “supposed to be, as it were” learnt through the physical relations of love between a man and woman. However, the emphasis on the reading below is more on the graduating evolvement of love for each person into a more cosmic and universal contemplation of love’s place in all things.

I found this piece below, thought provoking. There is no room for judgement in anything in life as all lessons have a meaning and are determined in the growth of the individual.

QUESTION 1.— If a person ruins a married woman’s life by bringing about a permanent estrangement between her and her husband, by which the husband does not become unhappy because that is to his liking (that is he wanted to avoid the wife), while the wife’s happiness is completely shattered, how would the wrong-doer be punished in the next life by way of retribution?

ANSWER.— The conditions stated are common ones in every land and illustrate that primarily, where
marriage is concerned, insufficient thought is given either to suitability or desirability. Too often material
interests are allowed to subordinate the higher and more vital aspects for which true marriage should stand.

The question commences with a judgment. Is that judgment correct? No, it cannot be, for what type of husband is it, that permits an outsider to bring about a permanent estrangement between himself and his wife?

If, as is also implied in the question, he becomes accessory to his wife’s unhappiness, then is his primary error of commission rendered worse, by reason of his position as husband giving him the powerto free his wife from the conditions in which she finds herself.

It follows that the husband cannot evade his responsibility nor can the outsider escape the shared consequences
of association therewith.

In the next life, payment has to be rendered by a restriction of liberty and a compulsory association with grades of life which renders their lives joyless and burdensome.

This process goes on until they are compelled, through the agonies endured, to call for the aid of the angels of Light, who (dependent upon the grade) may, or may not, be able to come and give relief for a long period of time.

When they do come, relief and elevation can only come about by a labor of redemption, which again consumes a long period.

Finally, complete redemption cannot be attained until she who was injured has herself risen to a grade which provides for her responding to the call for elevation, and this step can only be attained by virtue of a love far transcending that which, on earth, was deemed essential for the conditions of
marriage, but which, in the new phase, has no relation to the individual.


Thank You, Elaine & Bill, That was a great presention.

Miss Annabelle’s Secrets

For chapter 81. I volenteer to read any character, you like me to.

Chapter 80

At this point of the story, we find The Group buzzing with anticipation for the next step to end as was put,”this insanity called death”. When taken by the views of today,we are taught to live just so we can die. What a morbid think, we live just so we can die? I much prefer the hope and foresight brought about in this incredibile “faction”. I become more excited about the future reading the entire trilogy. more death, coupled with natural life extension.
What a more disease, accidents, no more being born with the death certificate already waiting. I can hardly wait.
To read the parts with the others brings about a different say the characters come to life just does not do it justice. In reading the parts on air ,cause me deep introspection. I ask myself, am I doing all that I can, to bring about this future, instead of the one here now. I want to see and experience the future I envision along with our mentor Mark Hamilton..a future where anything is possible, where we are encouraged to think outside the box, explore our dreams and go for them, a future where love and respect for and of life is paramount. I bid you all peace,love and prosperity

Neothinksuperpuzzle 2

I believe that the effort and action that the former twelve studients made the people fill’ Supreme Love` Rubel L.

Superpuzzled About Life? No More!

Bill Kyle and Elaine Bennett do an outstanding job of pulling-in the people to their call. This story is one of love, happiness, sadness, tragedy, and you will be on the edge of your seat as they share this emotional read written by author, Mark Hamilton.

Don’t miss the laughter and tears as you become a character in this story.


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