Monday, February 24, 2025

Value of a MENTOR and VISION

I’ve always wondered what the possibilities of life were. With a limited way of thinking and accepting circumstances, I didn’t know there is no boundary for what I can experience. Today, anyones life can be pulled into an unwanted direction, BUT there is a solution. The answer to what I want is simple but it takes me to be willing to pursue it. With the literature I was provided and the help of my mentors, I found there is a REAL way to live the life I DESIRE. Having insights from someone who has been where I am, or heading, is a big ADVANTAGE. NOW I can imagine a better quality of life. What I have is possible for anyone who chooses to take that step of responsibility. It feels good to know I have something valuable to look forward to EVERYDAY.


I was thinking about the Mentor. It was said that a Mentor lets you find your own answers. I think this is true because that is part of becoming a self-leader. You find your own answers. Also I think a Mentor can be a friend, teacher,and soul mate. Miss Annabelle showed her students how to think on their own and become powerful self-leaders. It is very important they meet often on a regular basis. This friday call is very valuable.

Integrated One The Conscious Being

Some people come into our lives through strange coincidences. Their presence seems mysterious, but they are here for a reason.

We don’t always understand where they come from or why they manifest in our life. Usually they are compassionate individuals who we have attracted by something we have said or done.

But sometimes their light is so bright and their words are so warm and kind that we feel we are experiencing angels in the form of a human being…This very light outshines all of the negativity in life cancelling out the darkness.

I found that conscious thought origonated through man’s ability to produce the analog model, and that this analog model was actually a picture of a thought…and this thought became the creation.

Think of trying to explain the state of California; now create the image of California as seen on a map. Through the visualization you can then conceptualize that thought into expression.

Usually after the visual analog comes the framework from which you can describe through language what you see in your mind’s eye and intend to create.

Being able to see the outcome of a creation requires integrated thought (inter-connected thought), such an integrated thought that allows the description of the various parts and then completes them as a whole.

These puzzles are within and without. They are within us as we visualize them into creation; and they are without us as our thoughts are made tangible through the physical production of the idea, the creation itself. Thoughts and Creations are completed when joined as a whole. In This Wholeness we find ourselves – our true meaning, that meaning that sustains our life and builds up the lifes of others.

In Conscious Thought, We are Creators…

We first learn to create a meaningful life and from there, and through the integrations of conscious thought, we see the immortal vision of life.

And, we understand that we, just as the universe itself, are also inter-connected into one whole… We are One.
Through the transformation of thought into creation we see ourselves completed in life.

Publicily Announced Genetic Events Concepts & Perceptions


1890– A rabbit embryo was successfully transplanted to a foster mother rabbit’s uterus.

1944– A human ova was fertilized in vitro, that is in layman’s terms an egg was artificially inseminated in a test tube.

1952– Briggs & King in Indiana University clone a frog.

1970s– Rand Corporation predicts that “para-humans” will be genetically created to do menial tasks in the future.

In a totally different affair, Lord Rothschild, who is a physiologist who has studied genetics, warned that self-centered fanatics might set up cloning shops privately.

Lord Rothschild suggested to genetic scientists that a clone controlling organization with world wide jurisdiction to license cloning be set up to protect the world from evil men who might want to clone people for evil purposes.

He called his suggestion ‘Commission for Genetical Control.”

1977– Announcement of the first successful cloning of a person, which was done for someone very wealthy. This whole affair came under strong attack by the establishment. The book giving the shrouded details came out in 1978. The author went into hiding, and our Congress had a parade of establishment research doctors testify at a hearing to debunk the book and to reassure the public that medical researchers were too concerned about ethics to clone people. The author was convinced of the veracity of the cloning event, although the media/establishment doctors claimed the author wrote the book merely as fiction.

1980– Twinning (bisection of an embryo), which is a form of cloning was successfully done with horse foals, sheep and cattle had -already been cloned in this fashion in the previous years.

1981– Mice are cloned. And embryo transfer for cattle becomes a thriving business.

1983– A water buffalo embryo was successfully transplanted to a foster mother buffalo.

1984– A human embryo was successfully transplanted and born with a human foster mother.

1997–A successful human clone is publicly announced.

Scientists working in secret got serious about cloning in the early 1960’s. Abortions began to be performed wholesale at this time to provide fetal tissue for their cloning work. The young generation of Americans are asking, ‘When will cloning of people take place?” The answer is that it already has long ago.

An article recently written by Andrew Kimbrell that was placed in many leading daily papers across the U.S. is quite revealing. He comes right up to almost telling people what has been going on.

The article was entitle, “Science is about to Deliver.” (June 22, 1993) “…most Americans are unaware of the real-life exploits of current genetic engineers, science facts which in many cases are as chilling as any science fiction….Pigs have been genetically designed to contain human-growth genes in the hopes of creating “super pigs” that would have more meat. “…U.S. government and private researchers have expended billions of taxpayer dollars in the creation of tens of thousands of genetically engineered animals never before seen….

One prominent scientist predicts that we may soon see “five-ton cows and pigs 12 feet long and 5 feet tall. “Genetic engineers.. .have cloned higher mammals, including cattle….

One writer notes that “genetic engineering has the potential to create a vast army of identical clones, each produced to some preset specification. Canon fodder, scientists, opera singers, all could be manufactured to order…”

“The New York Times has editorialized, ‘Life is special, and humans even more so, but biological machines are still machines that now can be altered, cloned, and patented.’

In this author’s September, 1993 newsletter there were two article by this author on cloning, one entitled “Clones, Synthetics, Organic Robotoids, and Doubles” and the other article “Dulce Genetic Research/Cloning Facility.” In the month following my September ‘93 newsletter’s release, the establishment came out with stories about humans being cloned,the the “first” laboratory duplication of a human embryo.]

This ‘93 cloning was the first publicly revealed & publicly accepted human cloning, but the truth is that it had already been done for about 30 years secretly.

To be able to grasps this type of medical advancement requires a higher state of conscious awareness – one which does not fear the unknown…

Too Bad You Didn’t call on me, I had a Very Good Insight to share 🙁 Elaine

Question on evolution proof

Question on evolution proof. A thought, whatever involves evolves.Conceptional thought of evolution.

Pure Love

I think the moment of experiencing honest genuine living will be here before we know it. I constantly make an effort to raise my value of life, and the idea of helping others rise the way I have been helped is a thought I hold close. Being loving, understanding, and patient may seem little when expressed, or maybe even pointless at times, but it helped make the biggest difference in my life. Thank you Neothinkers

A Message Of Hope For One And For All Of Us; From Mark Escarcega; (My Integrations And Holly Comments, 11/08/2011)

Hello dearest Madam President Jill Reed, John Smrek, all Families, Great Friends and are Pest:

The last answer is (The purpose of life it to prosper and live happily.

But there’s something wrong with that. When you look deep into it, it’s the same as saying (When in an Anti-Civilization, Do as the Anti-Civilization Does or When in Roam Do as the Romans Do.) If we ever want to see a Civilization of the Universe or our portion of a Kingdome of Heaven and God within us on Earth, We can’t live like that.

We must connect ourselves with the C. of U. world and bring it down to earth for each of us and for all of us. That means we must live as a C. of U. lives or a Kingdome of Heaven and God within us would live and bring it to the entire world around us and to our own personal lives.

This would mean: We must live a life of Service, Trade and exchange of Good and Values and our tools may or may not be money, but our gain of a beautiful life should not diminish, it should continue to grown in love, life, peace happiness, honor, respect, humanity and dignity, value and beauty for one and for all of us; in all ways. This is how we can all grow into a C. of U. on Earth or you may say, A Kingdome of Heaven, Bliss, Garden of Eden or a paradise on Earth. Anyway This Is How We Can All Work Together And Create That C. of U. on Earth. I can guarantee you that other way will never work, that’s for sure, and if you look deep enough you will see for yourself that the first way will not ever work, it has to be the Second way I mention to work. We cannot live honestly and do as the Anti-Civilization does; (THAT IT.)

Yours Truly; Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

Programmed Conditioning & The Death of the Inner Child

The Death of the Inner Child occurs through social conditioning in reaction to traumatic events and/or negative experiences. They can be put to use to cause us to permanently alter our natural behavior as we progress through life and age.

Parents usually condition their children by giving them affection when their behavior is deemed “good” and withholding affection when it is deemed “bad.”

We do this because the overwhelming majority of cultural influences they are exposed to tells them it must be done or we will not grow up to be “civilized” human beings.

The action of conditioning, when it first occurs, will cause the mind to repress – to block awareness of what is or has happened. This will reoccur the first few times the action of conditioning, for instance, slapping, occurs.

Then the mind will learn that in order to avoid being slapped in future, it must undertake the change in behavior required. However, in order for conditioning to take place, the memory and pain associated with the original act of conditioning must remain repressed within. In this way it is being blocked from our awareness.

The intention of the mind, in blocking our awareness of events and repressing any associated emotions, is to protect us from emotional damage in our formative years.

Each time something happens around us that in any way reminds our subconscious mind of a repressed memory, we receive a little burst of anxiety as repressed emotions are being processed.

As repressed memories build up, whole areas of natural thinking and behavior begin to become painful to us. The mind deals with this by learning subconsciously to avoid situations that remind it of repressed memories; and it is this “need to avoid the pain” that allows the conditioned mind to be so easily controlled.

By creating a culture in which repressed pain is not released from the system and instead, can be avoided through social conformity, we become emotionally dependent on our programmed society and culture to feel secure.

People conditioned in this way can easily be directed to both do work and follow a lifestyle that slowly disallows the desire for living outside of programmed parameters. This is the death of the zeal for life first made aware to the little child.

Having grown up in this type of abusive conditioning myself; I can clearly see how the corruption of current political practices are directly destroying, not only our children but ourselves as well; even more so as we age and degress into this stuper of conformity. The result? The loss of our individuality and actual loss for the desire to live.

Understanding how this programming is still active in me, makes me disappointed and yet I am happy that I am still aware of what is going on inside me, therefore I may be able to change these negative conditionings, not through denial of their exhistence but rather through their acknowledgement and the determination to break their hold on me….To Be Free.

As a Child is born as a blank; all knowledge is only an manufacture of knowledge that has been expressed prior to that child’s exhistence… Individuality occurs when minds are free to experiment and explore new teachings and new realms of consciousness

Thank You Elaine


Didnt get a chance to interject chime in what ever with respect to time. But i got a good hit with happiness about work while the conference call was going on or i love my work what ever works. Iam pretty sure this is for paid members only. I was being a bit cautious about this state ment but on this board Iam going for it in reguard to the conversation about supplements first st thing that came to mind was penis collapsers from the Collection pax book under harm full people as opposed to bennifical people. when you think about it supplements are needed and appreciated by so many people. So is the prime law i can feel this in a way thats bigger than me.Dan

Man Of Steel,But Just A Man

Hello it is I Kevin Strickland. I enjoyed what you guys had to say and you was right. We this society are part of a great movement and we must come together band become one. That is what ZON want, that is why we was chosen to be part of this world changeng movement. There was something said to me on the call witch made me want to forget the socity number and get it how i get it, but deep down in KEVIN STRICKLAND heart, mind, body, and soul, I am —I am the man of steel but still i am just a man.

Neothing give us the faith, the belief, the parable Jesus spoke ‘have the faith of a mustard seed’ a we can succeed at what ever our mind con think of so if you are feeling a little intimidated say to yourself ‘I Am’. Powerful thing happen when you believi in ones own self. Self presevation and you can nhelp anyone
we,i have been taught to believe that if i put someones else needs befor mines this mystical god will bless me well, I havent seen it yet, and oooh believe me i have waited. The world of peoples was playing me for a fool, and there was nothing i could do sinmply because i didnt know. the world of peopled was draining me and takeing who i was, the honest truth stepped in and showed me the person that i am, and eventually to be. I am superman the man of steel, but still Iam still just a man. Deep from the pit of my mind heart nthis comes froma i hope nthai i am heard. T.V.P.


Kevin Strickland
With Love
Thank you F.R.W. M.H. E.S.