Sunday, February 23, 2025

Note From Mark Escarcega, ( Note and comment for Rick Mabe.)

Hello Dear Rick Mabe:

I had to listen to this Mentor Meeting after the fact, Due to courting the lady that reminded me so very much of Susan. I explained the lady I met to Elaine Bennett one Friday while leavening a integration some time ago about Susan and I, It may have been on our Meeting about Romantic Love. I want to say, About the Friday Mentor meeting (10/7/2011):

Rick, the students did such a very find job supporting all of us. I’m so proud and grateful for what they are all adding to the meeting, Rick I could cry. Now Rick, your reading and intelligence is so high, also with the other Mentors, and I see you working very hard to help all of us. My God, I don’t want to let you down.

I am at such a low state of education and knowledge, I want to be able to give you all back the very best of neothink love and support so bad it hurts. I hope I can find a way to bring to all of you the greatest of all love as you seem to be giving me and all of us.

I will work on using wisdom and intelligence for continued learning, to bring all of you the greatest of all love as you all give me and all of us through your trainings.

Thank you so very much again dearest Mark Hamilton and all Mentor Training staff. Yours truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

Friday even.

I can appreciate you Rick carring the ball so to speak while Elaine is away. Although iam sure everyone that attends the call is supporting you 100% Dan

Addressing God.

The main function of world religion is to conjure up imaginary communication with imaginary gods. You mentioned some of the religions tonight, but no name to address god by. You spoke strongly about pure love. Is god the pure love in the god man? If so, I’ll stop looking up and more patting myself on the back. love you Rick.

Hello All, It’s Mark Again with a (Short Comment Integration for tonight, I hope it helps some.)

Hello William and Elaine:

My deep thinking is:

We have to forgive because the Anti-civilization is growing from unconsciousness to consciousness. It is new because we all had to find the right direction to a conscious world.

So we have to forgive and work to grow the conscious world around us everywhere. Then the evil anti-civilization will have to grow up because it will have no choice in the matter.

Things will be automatically healed. The anti-civilization will just have to live too make up for what damages that caused grave damage to destroy life around them. (My Thoughts of DEEP THINKING)

Have a Beautiful Friday and Weekend. From; Mark Escarcega

Hello All, It’s Mark Escarcega, Hot or Cold, Wet or Dry or perfect, I hope your all injoying the weather. ( My Integrations and Comments For All Of You.)

Hello Dearest Rick Mabe and Elaine Bennett, All Families, Friends And Are Dear Pets:

Just want to say, that over the many centuries, due to man’s unconscious state, this has been the cause of our Ageing. It’s really none of our fault or all or are fault, that doesn’t matter at this point. I really believe that we are not living long lives because we have been continuously fouling up or atmosphere and are environment on Earth.

So, we all, Politicians and none Politicians, and all peoples on this Earth that can help, we all need to focus a major part of our attention on fixing the problems. There are right ways to fix things and there are wrong ways to fix things, we all have to work together to fix things the right way. And there is not just one way to do it. There is multiple ways to support each other and get things fixed right.

We may live hundreds of years longer just be cleaning our environment and atmosphere. (I really believe we can,) but it will take all of us working together for solutions and creative inventions to fix all the problems right. For instance, we can take all those dirty toxins and nuclear waste products, create a sturdy space ship and continually send all that waste to It’s total end, by sending it past Pluto and destroying it permanently. That’s something we can all do.

If we plan to live longer, this should be a main part of all of our focus and attention. To let you all know, I’m doing something every day to get this ball rolling right. Every day that I catch the buses, I pick up the totally used up cigarette buts and any trash I can from the gutter and surrounding bus stop area and put it in the trash where it belongs. (It’s all right that I do that. The Bus companies want the help.)

Then all those wonderful people who want to take about what I’m doing, I let them know my thought about sending the toxins out of here past Pluto where they can be completely destroyed. Just to let you know, people love to talk about these things and it seems they can’t thank me enough for what I’m doing. Heck, I just love to hear their grateful responses.

Well, you all enjoy the beautiful day if you can, I hope so. We love you all so very much and all God-man Speed and Action to all of you, as we blast into the future together with Strength, Love, Live, Peace, Happiness and Life Eternal,
Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega


These calls and new connections are like lifting my love to a higher level as described in the Miss Annabel litature. ALSO THE CALL AND CALLS SEEM TO CATCH ME UP TO SPEED SPEAKING FOR ONES SELF. Thanks its a healthy thing appreciate your volenteering and time again and again. Dan PS iam going to concider these recent books that were spoken about.

Because of Tech Difficulties, on 9/23

We had tech difficulties on 9/23 and were unable to open the phone lines for questions: We will answer questions on Chapter 61 tomorrow night 9/23/11. This Chapter is Neothink in principles.

Thank you,

Mark Escarcega again: (Thankfulness and Greatfulness, Comment for you Rick Mabe and Elaine Bennett and your God-man Within you.)

Hello Dearest Rick Mabe and Elaine Bennett:

Rick Mabe, you are what I consider a man’s man when it comes too business. Thank you for telling us about your great efforts to create business for all of us. I know we all have a God-man within us. When that God-man shows up, in one of us, all the rest of us get to witeness a great awesome miracle in the person and we are able grasp a bigger picture for ourselves.

Thank you Rick Mabe again and Elaine Bennett also, for being a God sent of strength for all of us. I am praying for the strength to be a God-man belssing to Mark Hamilton, and all of you Teacher Mentors also. This is my prayer: (‘0 God-men within, I pray give me the strength that I cannot find, too lived the full and blessed, protected life you want me to have and complete.

And let all my Loved Ones, Families and Friends and are Pets, See and know your life of Miracles, of God-man within me and my whole life. As I do my best to bring them forth for one and for all of us, in behalf of Susan and Mark.

With all our love:
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

Why Desire Immortality

For me there are several reasons. First is love of life. My mother said she’d never known anyone who loved life as much as I do. Second, if life and health are available, why desire death? Next, if there is a chance to continue being happy by creating and producing values for yourself and others, why not take it? And also it beats the alternative by a score of infinity to zero.

Life Eternal

I lost a love one,I lost many loveones whatever reason precious life is lost its not a big enough reason. Even in extreme measures to save or preserve a life, it doesnt call for another precious life to substitute. The universe does not ask for a paradox it ask to be Life Eternal.