Monday, February 24, 2025


Hello dearest Mark Hamilton, Rick Mabe, Elaine Bennete, Families, All Friends and their Pets:

Hello Again It’s Mark Escarcega, Friday 8/26/2011, time is 4:40 P.M.. I want to say, for some reason the working world is going insane. People without work are suffering, people working are suffering, and their’s lots of people with lots of money loosing it. Yet the Working world is screaming out, their the victoms. But in reality we are all suffering, by evil bicameral diseased people.

The working world is hacking away with a sort-of-Speak Bucher Knife or Gun, trying to prove that their the only one’s suffering and they desirve all the money in the world and all other people don’t desirve it. Working word feels a need to take it all and control it or else, Even when durty Business working world and Politics are to blame.

Even when there are people not working but suffering, hurting and can’t make it anymore. Even when Some Rich and Poor alike are suffering very harshly, the same as working people are; and morally devistated by evil business and politics. The working world is not the only ones suffering, but their the only ones going totally bazirk because they don’t have enough.

So with a sort-of-speak bucher knife in one hand and a Gun in another, they attack everyone else and blame everone else. (Stop It Now And Open Up Those Extremely Imature Eyes Of Your’s Working World,) Your so blind you don’t even know what in the world your doing, you just think you do. Learn to Live your life the way it was meant to live.

Love life, Protect it, grow it, create your dreams come ture, as we all should do together for ourselves and everyone else. Lets work too Provide Remodies and Crues for Sickness and Diseases as we all should be doing, (And Get Rid Of The Sort-Of-Speak Bucher Knife and Gun. The working word will never win the world that way. They will never create a C. of U. on Earth that way.)

What your going to get by fighting everyone else, even though they are hurting just like you, what your going to get back is the end of the world or never ending kaoss. That’s not the way to create a concious world Because a conscious world dose not distory anything in It’s path good or Sick, it heals and cures sickness and diseases, it finds a way without destroying any part of it’s self in any way.

God-man strength to all of us, with all speed, with all action going forward into the C. of U.. Now let’s get the picture we all truly need and bring the C. of U. to all of us. (DO NOT SAY WE ARE NOT IN A C. OF U. WORLD YET AND HAVE TO LIVE AS UNCONSCIOUS PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH.) If we use that type of thinking we will be turning in on ourselves.

(RATHER SAY, LET’S CREATE USING OUR CONSCIOUS MINDS AND NEVER STOP.) Stop putting your self into risidual or any bicameral mantality by saying we have to preforme as the bicameral world preformes, What a Bicameral Idea. (GET RID OF IT, GET OUT OF THAT TYPE OF THINKING NOW,) YOUR GOING TO DESTROY YOURSELFS LIKE THAT.

God-Man Power To All of Us, From the Beginning, Now, always, Forever and Evermore.
Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSuan Escarcega Strain or Mark Escarcega