Monday, February 24, 2025

Lila Elaine Bennett, My Integration Of Your Heart Reaserch Mark E.

Hello dearest Lila Elaine Bennett:

Dearest Lila Elaine, When my beloved Susan was in ICU. care, they were keeping her under induced coma state to allow here to heal without causing further damage.

Elaine, I sat there with Susan constantly. I could read Susan without her saying a word through her mouth. We were to much a part of each other. We could talk even without her saying a word, and we did.

Dearest Elaine, first of all we entered a state between us that was at total peace and without any pain at all, just total peach, perfect quiet and not a problem in the world. We were there in perfect strenght with nothing wrong or physical problem at all, absolutly no problems.

We just in a sence sat there calm together and waited to speak to each other in total calm. We were listening for are words to come forth to each other, and they did, clear as a bell, more clear then we would naturaly notice just speaking by mouth.

The very first think that we heard was something that we just knew beyond any dought. Now please Elaine you know from your descussion that somethings we just know even before it happends. We just know it without a dought and it happends. (What Susan and I knew is that She could totally pull out of harms way and get back on her feet, meaning she would be just fine again.

There was lots of just calm time before one of us spoke again. Then we looked at the danger and we new if she did not pull through it was due to the brutality of murder, the power around us were just to evil. Elaine it had been growing for years, and now was full force.

We left that conversation and went to each other. We talked and it was clearer then a bell. Elaine I won’t go on here, but just to say, Susan was my better half of my love. We could talk without speaking allowed, without any such thing as dought. There was simply no such thing. We absoutly new each others heart, mind and sprit.

Elane, We allowed what happend because if we didn’t we would have to kill family, the last of the emediate line. So instead of that, we cracked the door open from the constant pushing, for them to remember the love they have been given. What happend was the fire of evil swept in and spread everywhere. Let me say that the brutality was as brutal as it can get for murder.

Elaine, what pulled me out of a vegatative state was my memory of Mark Hamilton and his father. But it wasen’t enought I could not get out of it. I was needed to get out of the way also, so they could prove greatness; but their greatness was pure evil and they wanted to buarie us so to look good for themselves.

Elaine, dear friends that I only met once or twice maney years ago in business network meetings, came to rescue me. When I asked what they were doing here what they said was: We did not want anything to happen to you we remember you as a very special, very good person. Lots of VIP network friend rushed to my side along with many other friend. Then I started to get a grip on life again.

Elaine, all I can say is what you alread know. Evil goes to the very top levels of knowledge and education on this earth no matter what field of indever. Fortunetly good people are there also. Elaine I can’t go on now, my days and night are too long. Just let me say, that it is Mark Hamilton and all of you that has kept me alive.

Susan was not evil. But when she had to leave us, there was no more good in this world. I saw the evil and brutal world from top to bottom, and did not want any part of it. Thank you Mark Hamilton and all in the Neothink Society Of Secrets and all friends.

Elaine, I opende up here a little bit. I better get some sleep Good night. Thank you Elaine. Sincerely; MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain or Mark Escarcega