Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Johnny’s Got His Gun

As I listened to you all tonight talking about people with quadrapalegia, or other severe disabilities; and about how these people would want a robotic body if possible, I could not help but think of a Movie called Johnny’s Got His Gun.

This was true story about a young soldier during the first world war who was hit by a mortar fire. This strike left him with no arms, no legs, and no, face. Meaning no mouth, nose, or eyes.

He was kept alive, and because his injuries were so gruesome he was kept in the basement of a hospital so other patients would not have to see him.

This movie was made in protest to the war. I would not want to live a maimed life as he had. And today in the movies we see the modification of this concept with Star Trek and robo-cop.

Could Bio-engineering substitute a human body? This would be an alternative for those like Johnny that need a helping hand or two.

I was thinking about having my foot amputated. How I would be immediately looked at as a crippled. How perceptual limitations would always be my forerunner. How no man would want a woman that hopped around the house on one leg. As I thought about that I realized that I pretty much would give up on relationships. So I would give up on a part of my life then. It seems that when loosing a limb there is alot more at stake than just that limb.

I was once in a relationship with an amputee. It’s funny, I never perceived his disability as forefront when with him as his personality and character were always so strong and complete. I think it would be harder for a woman as a woman is already labeled as a weaker version of a man, that’s one strike against you already.

I thought about a metal post coming out of my calf and extending to a shoe full of metal plate; I felt ashamed for the way my son would see me.

Then I realized how strong he is having a disability himself. How disabled people that survive are the ones that are made to feel they have a reason to live because they know they are loved despite their limitations.

Would a robot be able to have those feelings? I don’t know. Or would it be like Johnny, a mind in a voided out body. Hummmmm…… I still don’t know. Maybe I wouldn’t want to, unless perhaps I was Johnny.