Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Chapter 39-Self Honesty

We cast members had the chance to share in round table format ,what we gained from this chapter. We were encouraged to present to our panel @ least one question. Well, I had four. Of the four, it was the question I asked about yielding to manipulated truth, that caused me to enter the 360 mirror room. It was while in this space, I faced the me that yielded to manipulated truth–
knowingly. The reason for yielding is
irrelevant, the main point is the awareness and honesty I came to realize. We all have done the same. The question then beomes, “how honest am I with me?”. When I posed the question, it was to cause others to reflect on their own levels of self honesty. Without self honesty, how DO we become true self leaders, how Do we help in bringing about the C of U, we all say we want to see, and be a part of? In my mentor class, we speak quite often of the mysticism we’ve endured since birth
and the lasting effects of living with the lies. I believe, the C of U will only become manifest, when we the members of NeoThink, live the honesty we claim to have, and cause others to do the same. It was indeed a good call tonight to me. To study my lines,reading the same story again and again, each time reaching a deeper level of truth,love, and most importantly-honesty. Stripping the crud of mysticism from my mind, allows the true beauty of NeoThink to shine. Ain’t life grand!!!
Peace,love,and prosperity to all.