Thursday, February 27, 2025

Life and Near Death Experience

Hi Bill, I remember when I read about Jeremiah’s exhaustion and physical abuse of his body in order to expose the promise of a life with meaning, I was not happy with the fact that he allowed his body to be abused through exhaustion, and physical sleep deprivity, and lack of good nutrition [all those things that bring health to the body].

I had to ask myself, how does this compute to being a proponent of life? Then I had to look deeper at the MEANING beind his actions. It was dedication driven by a deeper awareness of the devastation that destructive social practices in what Neothinkers call the AC – e.g. the flawed nature of the lower conscious man.

Now remember, Jeremiah is loved and yet he feels a need to perform a greater purpose than that of sustaining his life. We never realize the love we have missed until is it missing. Our families are those that we have a destiny to share with. They are the components of our development. Because they exhist they deserve both our love and our presence.

So is life about sacrifice? Do we sacrifice our life in order to achieve a greater purpose? Now our actions have become us.

You said that you have never seen a man die and come back to life. I think you may enjoy this interview with a man that has died three times, the longest being 28 minutes.

A very insightful piece….
I, having had a NDE, Near Death Experience, I can assure you Bill that your life is the purpose of your being. If you are too stressed and anxiety is now clouding your conscious creation, its time to center yourself and give yourself time….

Here is the link:

Much Love,