Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Integrated One The Conscious Being

Some people come into our lives through strange coincidences. Their presence seems mysterious, but they are here for a reason.

We don’t always understand where they come from or why they manifest in our life. Usually they are compassionate individuals who we have attracted by something we have said or done.

But sometimes their light is so bright and their words are so warm and kind that we feel we are experiencing angels in the form of a human being…This very light outshines all of the negativity in life cancelling out the darkness.

I found that conscious thought origonated through man’s ability to produce the analog model, and that this analog model was actually a picture of a thought…and this thought became the creation.

Think of trying to explain the state of California; now create the image of California as seen on a map. Through the visualization you can then conceptualize that thought into expression.

Usually after the visual analog comes the framework from which you can describe through language what you see in your mind’s eye and intend to create.

Being able to see the outcome of a creation requires integrated thought (inter-connected thought), such an integrated thought that allows the description of the various parts and then completes them as a whole.

These puzzles are within and without. They are within us as we visualize them into creation; and they are without us as our thoughts are made tangible through the physical production of the idea, the creation itself. Thoughts and Creations are completed when joined as a whole. In This Wholeness we find ourselves – our true meaning, that meaning that sustains our life and builds up the lifes of others.

In Conscious Thought, We are Creators…

We first learn to create a meaningful life and from there, and through the integrations of conscious thought, we see the immortal vision of life.

And, we understand that we, just as the universe itself, are also inter-connected into one whole… We are One.
Through the transformation of thought into creation we see ourselves completed in life.