Monday, February 24, 2025

Chapters 56 & 57 shows us how all 12 students played a role in bringing Daniel to the Whitehouse to depoliticize America. What we must take from this is that we visionaries must use the tools that Mr. Hamilton has given us and find our FNE in order to do the same. We must make this FACTION and we will because we are NEOTHINK.
Thank you Mentors & Mr. Hamilton



  1. Hi David,

    We each have our FNE Essence which is our unique puzzle piece to fit into the whole picture of what will
    bring our Twelve Visions Candidates to the Presidency and Vice Presidency in our future with the Twelve Visions Party!!! We each need to refine and define our own puzzle piece to its precious essence, which
    contains our fire of desire to bring about what we all are aiming to….


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