Sunday, February 23, 2025

Being Prepared Means Seeing Through Illusions

I want to be clear here in saying that my discussion on the state of America today and her economy was not meant to cause negativity and fear; rather I would like to see all people feel comfortable and self reliant when their perceived securities are gone.

So with that, I want to leave links to two articles that may give you food for thought about possibilities that we can prepare for today.


33 Stats That Prove That SOMETHING Desperately Needs To Be Done About The National Debt.

These are good articles with factual statistics…

Much Love to All



  1. Hello Elaine R,

    Again, Thank you for food for thought for all to consider.

    I do not think that you caused fear & negativity that did not have seeds within some–>We all have to
    come to terms with that which we find within us and outside ourselves in our worldly “environment”!…and decide our own actions.

    Elaine B.

  2. salvatore says

    hello mark hamilton,as mr vaccaro salvatore,
    i had reading neo-tech,neothink,books,
    the are very exceptional,and i read again,i am going the web site do you send me in last letter,
    some time i have difficoult in web but is ok.
    i ask if my 2 boys ,yuo can make they in down line in couple of months
    the societ said is begging from me start the dinasty family.
    now in naples italy,i am out work and the government not pay some pension,350,00 euro for month
    i hope you very early we patners start the down line,
    because i am very needs of income.
    any way ,the life is beatiful,do yuo have reason,the world go down in everithing, but yuor, world go strait
    forward every way,and very large in every countrys
    i hope you reply to me
    yuor very friend salvatore v.

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