Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chapter 59

As often as I’ve read this, there is so much “more” to hearing it. In light of today’s political climate, no one should be surprised about the behavior of politicians, either here in the trilogy or real life.I look forward to more, because the true intent of “poli-speak” is to obfuscate, or decieve.We who work for change should speak out, loudly!!



  1. William J Kyle says

    Linda you are completly correct. if you believe in a better way of life for you and everyone then we must speak out loudly. we have been led like sheep to be sheared ever year, and no one says anything. just like you i am being loud and talking to everyone about changing your life. so yes speak out loud and clear. thank you for your super intergrations

    I Love you

  2. Hi Linda,

    I did feel that casting this call would give our members a way to participate in the Society and begin
    their self-capture to go forward in unfolding their Essence. It has helped others to hear these chapters
    read, as in real life, and understand further what is being portrayed, enabling us to grasp the nitty-gritty
    of what is attempting to undermine our way of life and to see through to the ones who are responsible, on their respective levels=all the way to the TOP!!! The Mentors and Members do seem to be straight
    shooters, and pull no punches via integrated honesty….Thank you for seeing clearly!

    Love you,

  3. Hello Linda,

    I am very grateful for all our Members who come on to read their part in weekly casting then production Calls. Participating is a way of “coming out” of the shadows and beginning their personal journey to finding their essence! This also brings to life Mark Hamilton’s writings, chapter by chapter, and allows
    the Neothink principles to be starkly illustrated, accelerating our learning in this often murky civilization
    we live in….

    Thank you for your observation,

  4. Linda Hofbauer says

    To Elaine and Bill,
    Thank you for choosing me to be on the call. I’ve read twice now, and I am so looking forward to
    reading some more. I can’t wait to do a part requiring voice change, that will be a hoot. I’ve encouraged
    others to join in the fun of the read, the depth of the read, and the incredible personal growth from the read.It is said within Buddhism,”the voice does the Buddha’s work”. It is the voice, lending inflection that causes words to ring, it is the voice which either melts or warms the heart/soul of another, it is the voice which sets the mood or tenor of relationships, it is the voice.
    Thank you so much.

    p.s., I also posted on the active page.

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