Monday, February 24, 2025

Chapter 84

I simply adored this chapter. Within this chapter, all dynamics are in play. Jake and the way he put together the puzzle pieces with Jasmine. If you only read this chapter alone, the picture of the future within our society, AFTER the Prime Law has taken effect, is oh so apparent. From declining deaths to the steps forward onto the stage of immortality, all are here. The understanding that Jasmine comes to..her AHA moments As for Sally, her introspection and honesty within her
I-ness is admirable. The anguish she feels in having to make a choice..only to know deep within, that her place is needed elsewhere. It was time for her to find balance. Her drive for the “greater” is so spot on. I imagined her frustration when she became aware that she was not ready..she had pushed herself and her teams almost to the point of exhaustion.What focus, drive,determination, and most of all , what inner strength she must have.
I am humbled and honored to read her part ..she has in fact helped me through some decisions. Again, BRAVO MR. MARK HAMILTON! I shall cherish my heirlooms forever. Thank you so much for YOUR downstream focus..
I bid you peace,love and prosperity..always



  1. Hello Linda,

    For this past year and a half, when my partner and I were reading all the parts in a chapter, I found that
    I did love to read the parts concerning Sally. She was the gateway to my heart’s expression of her drive
    and character, and compassion! She helped exemplify the principles in Mark Hamilton’s writings of the
    dedicated professional who not only had intelligence, but she acted through love and compassion throughout the evolution of civilization itself during this “Race for Life”!

    Thank you for aligning with the character of Sally and playing her so successfully.

    Love you,

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