Monday, February 24, 2025


These calls and new connections are like lifting my love to a higher level as described in the Miss Annabel litature. ALSO THE CALL AND CALLS SEEM TO CATCH ME UP TO SPEED SPEAKING FOR ONES SELF. Thanks its a healthy thing appreciate your volenteering and time again and again. Dan PS iam going to concider these recent books that were spoken about.



  1. Hello Dan Bride:

    Dear Dan, This is Mark Escarcega, Dan, if you can afford those books you are a rich man. If I could I would buy them and some of the older books and writings of Mark and his father. So dear Dan, I say if you can afford it, go for it, who knows you might not only save yourself but all of us also. And Dan, you don’t have to think about it, as long as your here with us and a part of the Neothink Society, your already a great Hero. Thanks very much Dan.

    Your Mentor Training Class Mate: Mr. Mark Escarcega

  2. Dan,

    Thanks for your reflection from our Calls. The books extended our wonder at the creations in our Universe and added to our knowledge.

    Love, Elaine

    ps…Mark, each book at is probably under $17, though I haven’t checked recently.

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