Monday, February 24, 2025

Hazmat Maps and Info. on Vaccinations.

I don’t know if these links are active on this site. You may need to copy and pasted them into your browser’s searh bar at the top of the page.

Link to video about the gas smell and illness in the LA area. The title for the video is:

Mystery Odor Plagues Westside Los Angeles & Causes Sickness, Claims Resident – Feb. 23, 2012
Video Link:

Hazmat mapping of this event:

This is the link to a global hazmat site.

Being prepared means prevention…
In the instances of the info discussed on this call tonight, Knowledge is Power.

Here is my blog link on Vaccinations:



  1. William J Kyle says

    thank you for this informantion i have been to all the websites and i was really impressed with the vacaine website this really concreted my concern about these vacines. thanks for your intergration Elaine, we love all your posts

  2. Hi Elaine R,

    Thank you for more information in this area!

    Love you,
    Elaine B

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