Sunday, February 23, 2025

Integration Aug 5th

This is an amazing study. I have always known that the heart plays a major role in human communication, and natural healing. This study validated what I knew. I am so glad that there has been research conducted providing scientific evidence. Very Kool.



  1. Hello Maria:

    This is your Mentor class mate Mark Escarcega from Long Beach, Ca. (08-08-2011.)

    Maria so glade you greatly apperciate this information. The integrations for friday night, helped me so very much with my Super Puzzle Piecese. So I’m greatful that you sincerely appreciate Elaine’s insights. ( you are somewhat life minded here) Thank’s for the Post.

    It’s very hard to find time to read all the very important lititure. So let’s just keep doing our best. I’m going too do my best too get to those research web sites Elaine gave us, and read more. To start, I’ll re- listen to the Friday Mentor Meeting again. That’s a little easyer for me now.

    Have a wonderful day and God-man strength to you.
    Sincerely; MarkandSusan ES or Mark Escarcega

  2. Maria, like I said during the presentation: This information needs to be shouted from the rooftops!!! Yet it is not even in the media that I’ve been able to find! This research illuminated so much for me….

    Mark, have patience with yourself in reading. If it helps, each integration you make while reading does contribute to your brainpower in that both brain lobes are drawn closer in integration of whole brain functioning…The more comprehensions/integrations you make, the more neural links are packed into
    a structure that enables communication between the lobes (the corpus calosum). All those pages of all the
    books of Mark’s do have a contribution to make to your progress via the process we go through into full brain functioning=Neothink!!!

    Loving you both,

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