Monday, February 24, 2025

Man Of Steel,But Just A Man

Hello it is I Kevin Strickland. I enjoyed what you guys had to say and you was right. We this society are part of a great movement and we must come together band become one. That is what ZON want, that is why we was chosen to be part of this world changeng movement. There was something said to me on the call witch made me want to forget the socity number and get it how i get it, but deep down in KEVIN STRICKLAND heart, mind, body, and soul, I am —I am the man of steel but still i am just a man.

Neothing give us the faith, the belief, the parable Jesus spoke ‘have the faith of a mustard seed’ a we can succeed at what ever our mind con think of so if you are feeling a little intimidated say to yourself ‘I Am’. Powerful thing happen when you believi in ones own self. Self presevation and you can nhelp anyone
we,i have been taught to believe that if i put someones else needs befor mines this mystical god will bless me well, I havent seen it yet, and oooh believe me i have waited. The world of peoples was playing me for a fool, and there was nothing i could do sinmply because i didnt know. the world of peopled was draining me and takeing who i was, the honest truth stepped in and showed me the person that i am, and eventually to be. I am superman the man of steel, but still Iam still just a man. Deep from the pit of my mind heart nthis comes froma i hope nthai i am heard. T.V.P.


Kevin Strickland
With Love
Thank you F.R.W. M.H. E.S.



  1. Hello Kevin,

    Integrate all you read to the best of your ability, and go for what you want with everything in you and
    see what you accomplish. I know the outcome is important, but never forget to enjoy the Journey into
    your development and evolution into the person you are meant to be. From what you said above, I would think that you are heard, with respect!


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