Sunday, February 23, 2025

My Integration (Love and Soul Mates)

Hello dearest Rick Mabe and Elaine Bennett:

This is Mark Escarcega again (8-20-2011). Thanks for the wonderful reading this Friday evening. I’ll be listening to this again. You two are helping me improve on my slow readings skills, as I fallow along. I still have to find time to make sure I re-read the meterial for myself again, the chapter Homework. Thanks again for the wonderful Story and your beautiful storytelling.

You two I think know about my beloved Susan and I. I’ve been telling some of our story on the e-mail Mentor sites. and to Mark Hamiltons site given to me. Susan had hazle eyes, they had lots of green and very light brown. Sometimes Susan’s eyes would turn a beautiful light Gray. And Sometimes they would turn a very bright and rich green color. Then at other times they were just beautiful green and bauge hazel eyes.

Susan’s eyes were always Susan, so they were always most beautiful to me. I don’t ever remember seeing eyes exactly like Susan,they were rare. Then as I look into her eyes, all I could see is my most beautiful other half, whom there was no one on this earth as beautiful for me. The love I would receive from her was unmachable, unserpassable, and overflowing love beyond belief.

The love Susan gave me was unfathomably beautiful in every way and the farthest beyond mankinds intelligence. In other words, I was given Gods Greatest love of all, in his purest form and in all his ways, when he sent Susan to me.

(I have never seen eyes like Susan’s before I met her or after she went to live in the Cosmos of Heaven, where she come from, and in my heart, in Oct. 24, of 2007.) (Now, the reason for me giving you all this information:)

Yesterday, which was Thursday, I sat next to a women because that was the only seat avaliable at lunch time. I noticed she was wareing a Ruby ring on her finger. A Ruby is my Birth Stone Color, so I complamented her, then I dicided to talk to her a little. When She turned to talk back, Lo and behold her eyes looked just like Susan’s.

I said to myself, WOW, I’m looking into Susan’s eyes. WOW, How Amazing. It was like I was really talking to Susan when I looked into her eyes. I could not shake it. I gave here a deep look of my love for Susan. It was eaxctly like I was speaking to Susan. The lady then look up a moment and then shook her head a little. I hope she was as surprized as I was.

I was so amazed, how wonderful and beautiful a thing to happen. Then I had to check myself, by saying I better check some pictures of Susan, because I remember Susan’s eyes as being so special to me that her love could never be equaled. If that lady was feeling as I was at that moment, Just maybe we could be starting anew.

(I felt like I was talking to Susan.) WOW!, anyway she took my phone number. I haven’t heard from her, but I think I’ll see her again. I’ll be very kind to her. Right now I am back to nutural, and waiting, listening to Susan, because without Susan this world is damaged just a little too much. Only through Susan’s words, will and heart, together with mine, can I work to restore humanity to my life, life around me and life it’t self, as we all want to live in a C. of U. world. Thank’s, love you all MarkandSusan EscarcegaStrain or Mark Escarcega



  1. Mark,

    It is possible for small and LARGE miracles to happen if we are open to these! Just see what happens….


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