Sunday, February 23, 2025

My Life

Hello all! Tonight was a good reading,and, I wanted to speak. I’m just not quick on the dial pad at the moment.
Upon my reading of this chapter, there was multiple of things that made me think of how far I’ve come in life. I now see where I’m to be blind in most things. When Eric muscles tighten in his body to where it made him. To have no control of his body. This part of the story put me in a realistic roie play phase. To see how it played out on his behalf. Simply because I am a wittness to the same situation of Eric.

The way we became part of the hospitialization world is diffrent. But the situation is so much of the same. After being hospitilized of an accident that could have been prevented. I never knew this feeling of torture before in existence. After taking my meds before going to sleep. There would be be multiple of blankets placed upon me comefortablely. After asking one of the nurse aid yo put them in the dryer to warm them. As Eric body was cold, and shivering / tortured by pain. So was mines, We wasn’t just cold from the out side. Most of all it was cold on the inside as if I was locked in an refridgerator. And could not escape to the warmth of the sun.

When I did get to the outside world I would set in the sun for hours, and it helped. Back to the body torture: Becomming unconious from the meds that I had taken left me with body torture as I am awaken. As the covers are pulled away from me. My head would push into the pillow as well as the heel of my feet. My entire body would lifted as if some oneone was picking me up through the middle of my body. I would slam back into the mattress of my bed to recieve the last of the contract. My stomach would tighten as if it was being tied into a knot that left me with a migraine headache. There was much more, but for now I typeth one key at a time that leave my arm tired. But I have a strength inside that presses me to go on.

Bad as the condition as I was in I did not believe in meds. Some meds that they gave me I would fake to take, and later spit them out. I wanted to come home. Not to put my troubles upon no one, but I belived in the illusion that GOD was in the closet. And he would heal me. And thats where I wanted to be, but never made it. Because the ones that put that illusion into circulation, left thier belief in awe. Well one thing is for sure GOD he didn’t reside in a closet. There are reason behind every action that is made in life from the decision of ones mind. Weather they be good intention, or, just bad ones. When it’s come to explain a situation in life the bad make the good sound like an excuess. So they all seem to sound like excuses. Therefore I like to get the answer that I seek in person. The eyes don’t lie.

I realize that this is only a story. Witch maketh me to believe that within the front, and back cover someone has watcheth over me since I’ve entered this cruel, minilipilative world. Weather I’m still wovened to some things of life. Before Neo Think I was as a dimond in the rough, never to be found, and never to be under stood. So MARK thank you.



  1. WoW Kevin,

    Thank you so much for telling your story. It must be so difficult to be physically limited, however I do
    not feel that you allow yourself to be so limited–> not from what I have heard from your voice on the
    Teleseminar Calls. Thank you for participating in every way you are able to.

    Keep heart in everything you think and do!

    I love you,

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