Monday, February 24, 2025

Revealing the Hidden

Our soldiers in Vietnam often faced an enemy they could not see. Many politicians don’t want you to see what they are really doing. That way you’ll find it hard to fight back. Neothink unmasks the masked, and makes plain the dishonest motives of *unearned power* holders, like a football defenseman who tackles the quarterback unseen until too late. The best way to prevent a scoring pass is to prevent it from being thrown.



  1. William,

    You always put things so succinctly and right on the nailhead!!! I hope our citizens awaken to this truth
    in time to turn things around…It is time to MAKE A STAND against what is crippling our country and begin to bring about solutions! Solutions that WORK!!! Everyone needs to think deeply on this for our future…


  2. Hello William and Elaine:

    My deep thinking is:

    We have to forgive because the Anti-civilization is growing from unconsciousness to consciousness. It is new because we all had to find the right direction to a conscious world.

    So we have to forgive and work to grow the conscious world around us everywhere. Then the evil anti-civilization will have to grow up because it will have no choice in the matter.

    Things will be automatically healed. The anti-civilization will just have to live too make up for what damages that caused grave damage to destroy life around them. (My Thoughts of DEEP THINKING)

    Have a Beautiful Friday and Weekend. From; Mark Escarcega

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