Sunday, February 23, 2025

We Are Spiritual Immortals

Anyone who thinks things through carefully can see that it is not the body that thinks, because the body is merely the material shelter for our inner being.

Rather, it is the soul – the inner being. The human soul, that is our spirit, whose immortality is a topic of many authors, is in fact immortal in all respects, and it is also our essence. It is what does the thinking in our bodies.

This is because it is spiritual and the spiritual is open to the spiritual and lives spiritually through thought and intention. So all the rational life we can observe in our bodies belongs to the soul and none of it to the body.

Actually, the body is material, it is the matter that comprises the human body as if an addendum to it, something like a physical form and in this way an attachment to the spirit.

Its purpose is to enable our spirit to lead its life and perform its services in a natural world that is material in all respects and essentially lifeless if you perceive that it is the will to live that keeps the physical progressing through the motions of living life.

In this way some may conclude that whatever is alive in us is our spirit and that the body only serves it exactly the way a tool serves a live and activating force.

We may say that a tool works or moves or strikes; in this way of thinking many will take no responsibility for their thoughts and actions. But it is a mistake to believe that thoughts and actions are simply a property of the tool and not of the person who is wielding it, or the power behind its motion.

Since everything that is alive is the inner being of the body, everything that acts and feels because of life belongs to the spirit alone and none of it belongs to the body, it follows that the spirit is the actual person.

In other words, we are essentially spirits and have much the same form as well. It is our Iness that makes us the I am part of living as we develop in and through our particular life lessons.

Everything that is alive and sensitive within us belongs to our spirit, and there is nothing in us, from head to toe, that is not alive and sensitive. This is why when our bodies are separated from our spirits, which is called dying, we still continue to be human and to be alive.

As we walk this planet towards developing our inner being; the longer we maintain our material container, the body, the longer amount of time do we have to develop our inner being – our true self towards those thoughts and actions that bring forth more of life and more to the living.

Just as with the embryonic state, we are birthed into being; so too does our inner being through its own immortality influence all life that is within its reach. If we can learn to tap into that which is immortal within us we can then open doors to limitless potential both in this existence and that which is far reaching and beyond. We can bring about the rebirth of the inner child which is immortal indeed.

“Let the children come to me, and do not forbid for such is the kingdoms of the heavens.”

The Man That Walked the Earth – Jesus



  1. Elaine Ray,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. Most of my life has been lived in sensitivity to the processes that enhance our lives on Earth, learning and coming to love all that we experience, since we are here in embodiment to learn and eventually master our own experiencing so that we live lives of exhaltation and creativity and profound longevity as we wish to!!! I have much to learn and expand into as the NOW progresses….

    Love you,
    Elaine B.

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