Sunday, February 23, 2025

Woman giving her number

It is 330 AM here and I must waken and turn on my computer to leave this integration. I have no wish to be rude. It is just that I must speak …for context…

A male caller stated that he received some female attention he was not used to. This kind of thing didn’t happen to him before. She gave him her number unexpectedly. WOW!

Rick automatically slammed her. His statement that he immediately would have no respect for her and the reason is, in part, because the male is hunter not the woman. (the wind whispered, ‘she must get back in her place’ ?)

Rick, this may have been some bicameral tendency showing up, which we all have and still work consciously to remove.

Don’t hate me. My motive in speaking up is to help Rick and all of us ‘see’ this and encourage back and forth discussions (plural) until we get a clearer puzzle piece. As the new guy I feel intimidated… but here goes.

(1) Recognize the male hunter ‘automatic response’ of disgust. (she’s no good)
(2) But integrate the universe says yes to everything we ask.
(3) Recognize that not all men are hunter/warriors. (Al Patterson, in Ms Annabelle trilogy, who had many girlfriends before he ended up with his true love, Debbie, who was right there all along since third grade, and he didn’t know… a hunter would have known)
(4) Question, like Robert from TGIF, what does the caller on the group call want/need.
(5) Question what this potential woman may have asked from the universe.
(sub-point) Ask, what did she have to overcome. (her shyness?)

(potential reaction) To the neothink man (if he has some interest in this woman) I would definitely suggest he seek to honestly learn what this is all about. (as suggested first by Elaine Bennett, and integrate her stated reasons)

So based on… (1) the social circumstances described. (2) She was observed NOT approaching every man, just one. And (3) THIS man has neothink capacities in sync with the universe… that may/may not be understood. …I suggest that this woman was likely NOT a hooker looking for a john.

Is the woman also growing neothink capacity?

He indicated little if any knowledge about her.

I would suggest the neothink man do what he can to learn about the universe that vibrated something in his direction.

Approach it cautiously as if it is a learning exercise. Purpose to learn details (example: about his own heart and feelings.)

And let me suggest he attempt to learn the entire puzzle piece without any bicameral assumptions that are left over from the ‘me tarzan you jane’ (I am the hunter, So woman! get in or stay in your place) past bicameral days.

Let me also add that a woman who obeys, gets in her place, stays in her place… cannot be of any value to a neothink man… she would be just a bed partner. I know thats harsh… but it is exactly the situation created by fundamentalist religion.

This is just an opinion. Sorry to be argumentive Its a message. Don’t shoot the messenger (um, don’t shoot me).



  1. Hello dear Tom Downward:

    May I suggest, may be next time nice suggestions that will help rather then attack. After all the person in question, is in some sorts quit a genius in many ways. Anyway I’m very greatful for what he has help me with. God-men speed to you. Mark E.

  2. Tom,

    I’m not Rick, but you did pick up on what I said regarding finding out what’s up by talking with the woman.
    Only he can answer your question about his outlook today on adventuresom-ness (my word). This material was written ~1980’s (mid-late?), and times have changed socially…however, Mark Hamilton’s writings have the mint of value expression in them in these chapters. MH is a man. I am a woman. Tracey Alexander didn’t live long enough to express in these chapters, as far as I know of…I can see/feel differences of the kind I did give out on the Call. Females are not all alike.

    I like direct speaking/visual if possible contact with an interested man, other women have varied styles. That is why Facebook is so popular!


    • ps…don’t ever feel intimidated about your offerings…These are YOUR integrations and are valuable!!!

    • You are correct in your statements and I do agree. I do still hold some traditional programming when referring to the role of man and woman in a relationship but I have also evolved to be open and ready for change.

      I was in fact in error with my statement about a woman asking for a man’s phone number and with my continuing growth I will continue to shed many of those previous held beliefs.

      If there are women out there who wish to contact me, send me your number and I will call and will hold no preconceived notions or judgements. I promise. 🙂


      • Rick, Thank you so much, from my heart.

        I was afraid I had offended you, which…that’s not what I want to do.

        You are a mans man. The first who has spoken to me this way. I respect you.


      • Rick,
        Quote: “If there are women out there who wish to contact me, send me your number and I will call and will hold no preconceived notions or judgements. I promise.”

        LOL, whatta subtle way of announcing your inner transition in an aspect of female appreciation!

        Love you,

  3. Hahaha … yea I picked up on that too. Let me know if that line works for you Rick, okay?



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